Sunday, May 8, 2011

How do insects defend themselves?

Usually by escaping. They fly, run, or jump away. Many use camouflage. They blend in with their surroundings. Green caterpillars look like leaves. Gray and brown moths resemble the bark or moss on trees. When walking-stick insects sit on a branch, they look like twigs. The caterpillars that become giant swallowtail butterflies look like bird droppings. Some insects fight back. Ladybugs, stick insects, cockroaches, and certain beetles give off bad-smelling liquids when enemies come too close. Some ants and beetles bite with their powerful jaws. Bees, wasps, and some ants sting. Other insects have bright colors that warn away their enemies. Monarch butterflies taste bad, and birds have learned to leave them alone. Viceroy butterflies don’t taste bad, but they look like monarchs and this keeps them safe.

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